Khwab Main Badam (Almonds) Daikhny Ki Tabeer

 Khwab Main Badam Daikhna Kessa hai?

Khawab main badam daikhna

Here is the complete details about, Seeing Almonds in Dream in Urdu.

Almonds in Dream interpretation

Hazrat Ibn Sireen (may Allah have mercy on him) said that seeing almonds in a dream is a boon. But it will be gained through conflict.
If you have found almonds in your dream, it means that you will get blessings and sustenance from this power.
And the interpreters state that the interpretation of almonds in a dream is knowledge. And healing from disease. And it is better to see the nutty almonds.
Hazrat Kirmani has said. If a person sees that he has almonds along with poppy. Or someone gave it to him. So it is argued that a miser will get something from a man with difficulty. And if you see that bitter pigment has come out of the almond nut. So it stands to reason that he would benefit from a miserly man according to the estimation of this pigment.
Hazrat Jabir Maghribi, may God bless him and grant him peace, has said that seeing almonds in a dream is wealth and blessing. But if you look at almonds with poppy. So it is argued that wealth will be obtained with hardship and sorrow. And if almonds are seen without poppy seeds, it is argued that wealth will be easily obtained by the minister.
Hazrat Jafar Sadiq (RA) has said that seeing almonds in a dream is due to two reasons.
First, hidden wealth will be obtained.
The second will be cured from the disease.

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