Bad impacts of Masturbation/hand practice

Hand practice or Masturbation is unnatural activity and have many harmful consequences on masturbator. It not only affects the health but also damage  the penis of hand practitioner. Another grave consequence of Masturbation is that it will  badly effect the power of man and there is likelihood of impotency in masturbator.  When a person masturbates regularly and excessively he fell pray to many sexual diseases like problem  in  penis erection,  damage to the muscles of penis, endocrine disease, loss of semen and its deficiency in human body etc.  Premature ejaculation is another by product of hand practice. It also affect the eye site of person but also cause fatal diseases like anemia and infertility. A person who excessively masturbates always feel tiredness and mental stress.  In conclusion this practice is very harmful for person if done excessively otherwise its occasional indulgence is not that much harmful for person.

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